When you only get limited time to spend with your child, you want to make the most of it. Yet it is easy to get carried away thinking you need to fill every moment with activity and excitement. Your kids love you for who you are, not for the money you spend on them or...
Month: March 2022
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What are your rights if you think a married woman’s child is yours?
It can be difficult to handle the news that someone you had a relationship with was married. What may be even harder to reconcile with is the news that they’re having a child who could, realistically, be yours. If the mother of a child who is possibly yours is...
Will texting your co-parent help you avoid conflicts?
You know that you and your co-parent need to work together to raise your child. You want to do this, but it's also clear that the two of you have communication issues. Every time that you have a serious conversation, it seems to escalate into a conflict or an...