Stop The Police From Taking What Is Rightfully Yours
Pursuant to Florida statute Chapter 932, law enforcement may seize and keep your money, car, or other property. You must act immediately to challenge the seizure. If you do not act, you may lose all or part of your property forever.
Gonzalez & Associates, PLLC, can prevent the sheriff or municipal police from keeping you property. As a former police officer and forfeiture specialist for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, Mr. Gonzalez has a unique understanding of the forfeiture laws in the state of Florida. We have assisted and successfully litigated numerous forfeiture matters throughout south Florida involving money, cars, and real property.
Understanding Asset Seizure And Forfeiture In Florida
Civil asset forfeiture allows cops to seize a suspect’s property if they have reason to believe that it is connected to criminal activity. However, the state is often very lax about making officers prove that the seized property is connected to a crime. As a result, some dishonest cops simply decide to take any property they want, including cash, controlled substances and guns.
Even if the police do have a genuine reason to believe that certain assets are evidence of a crime, they do not have any obligation to return your belongings back to you.
Time Is Not On Your Side. You Must Act Quickly
Time is of the essence. If the police have seized your property, the clock has started to run. You must act immediately and request an adversarial preliminary hearing to the seizing agency within 15 days of the notice of forfeiture. Don’t wait.
The criminal defense law firm Gonzalez & Associates, PLLC, has experience helping clients stop civil forfeiture at the very last minute. In one case, we managed to file an emergency motion on the very last day available, preventing the court from seizing our client’s belongings.
Mr. Gonzalez used to work as a cop for the West Palm Beach Police Department. He knows how to recover your belongings from the police department and get them back in your hands.
Act Immediately To Stop The State From Taking Your Assets
Move as quickly as possible to stop civil seizure and forfeiture. Contact Gonzalez & Associates, PLLC, and we will jump into action immediately. Call our Palm Beach office at 561-228-6318 or send us an email today.
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